The essence of SOHO lies in the shop office home for young business owner/entrepreneurs.
A place gathering for numerous IT, Jewlery, Fashion, Beauty Acessory, Boutique Shops, Decorated & Construction Goods, Chain Stores, Academic Schools, high-end Restaurant & Shops, Galleries make trendy.
Image the cross of work and your dream home all in a singular dimension of space.
Saving commuting hours for work and allowing you to transform your work and family life.

We are still on the line, safe drive.
Use and apply any occasion ,anyplace to know the real value.
Gateway for tomorrow with great chance.
If you work hard, never give up.
Be together with the 8 MILE SOHO beside you always. If you work hard, never give us, your dream will come true
Meet more friends, teachers, business partners no matter less or small.